Lisa Phillipson Photography » Atlanta Family and High School Senior Photography

Love, Mom. | XOXO

I had a fun session with this Smyrna Family.  The evening colors were amazing this day and I loved the purples and blues we picked out for them to wear.  There were too many good ones to choose from but I thought the ones of Riley and her Mom were really special.  Often as mothers we want to capture our children and remember how they were when they were young.  It is a gift for us.  I think it is also such a gift to a child to have pictures of US while we are young too!  I know Riley will treasure the images that show how much her Mom loves her long into adulthood and forever.

Mom did a great job of getting the family pulled together and on time for a photo session.  At the end of it she had to pick up Riley’s friend and host a spend-the-night birthday party with several girls.  I can appreciate the stress of all of this and thought I would note it on my blog for the world to know how super she is.  I am a terrible party-thrower and avoid them for my own children so I regret not having a glass of wine for her.  🙂

Congrats, Riley, for making it to Double Digits!  Just like it was for my family this week, a major milestone for you AND your Mom!  Riley and my Evan have gone to church and pre-school together since they were itty-bitty and I’m so happy to see how nice they have both grown up.  They will be having their Senior Pictures taken before we know it (boo!).

Note: In general, almost all mommys hate the way they look in pictures.  Especially a mommy that just had a baby will feel this way!  I also cringe when I have to be in front of camera.  All I have to say about it is that in 50 (or even) 20 years you will think you looked great!