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Tag Archives: little boy

atlanta family dog photographer

Atlanta Family Dog

I’m so behind on session shares but here is a fun one that includes the family dog.  These sweet kids are so smart, full of personality and expression. It was fun to spend time getting to know them.  I love that they brought their lovely dog to be a part of the session.  Your dog is a part of the family and why not let them be captured in time just like your children?  I don’t think I can recall any picture of me as a child with my beloved Irish Setter, Kelly.  <sigh>

Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.       — Roger Caras

Atlanta Humane Society


Football Season officially started today for me. War Eagle!

Auburn fans often find me as their family photographer so I thought I would share an Auburn-inspired “what-to-wear”.


I’m probably biased but I love burnt orange and navy together.  I think the orange and browns look great in Fall too.

Here is a little blast from my past at one of the Atlanta Auburn Club events my family likes to attend.  Kate loves to shake her pom-poms every chance she gets!   (me too)

How did it go?  If you saw my previous post, you know I don’t make a huge effort to get a group shot of my own kids except on my birthday at the end of July.  If you have three kids of your own, you know how difficult it can be just to have them sit together without a squabble.  July is a sweaty month to be outside but I work quick so it doesn’t take long.  🙂  This is my annual gift to myself and it doesn’t hurt to tell my boys that this is for Mommy’s birthday and please don’t poke or kick each other.  We usually make an effort to go to a nice location but since my helper/wrangler/husband was stuck on an airplane and not home yet, we only made it outside to our yard.  Good enough for me!  So with a little help from Grammy and my Aunt this is what we got on our way out to dinner that night and I am happy.  I won’t tell you what tricks I used to get them to smile…I’m a big fan of the candid moments.  Those represent my kids the best and I might just hang something more candid on one of my walls to enjoy.


Back to School: Most are going back today.  Mine are officially back at it and I am really happy (except for early mornings and homework).  I can’t wait to see all the back to school pictures on Facebook this week.  I might not see some children for a year and then a flood of back to school images come through and I love it.  We had a half day on Friday and I took these pictures of my kids in front of the house…where I always take their back to school pictures.  I told them I would have to do that then and then on Monday morning in their real uniforms and again on Wednesday for Chapel uniforms and then when Kate officially starts back.  They weren’t thrilled.  Evan said he wasn’t really “into photography”.  It’s not his thing so he tells me.  It just happens to be “my thing” so I’m glad they indulge me!

Guess which one did NOT get new uniform shoes for school this year?  |  Belle made an appearance in our photos.  I don’t know why.


Photographer’s Tip:  Use a chalkboard or a piece of paper and let your kids hold up a sign that has “first day of 1st grade” or something along those lines.  I am going to use one of my Organic Bloom frames with a chalkboard insert to do that.  I have a few more shots to get!  My biggest tip of all: if you forget to do anything the first day do it anytime the first week.  When you look back in a few years you probably won’t even remember that part.  If your child rides the bus, please get one with the bus behind them.  (Just for me – I love that!)


A jam session with the J & J Rock Band in Marietta.


We all know she is going to be a BIG star but will need all his help to keep away the groupies and manage her rising career!  It is great to have a big brother to keep you on a straight path.


Smyrna Little League’s Closing Day of baseball is tomorrow.  You can find me early at the Mechanical Bull.  🙂  It has been a really fun season and this is a little preview of the Baseball Themed Session I donated for one of the families that benefited the Benchwarmers BBQ that will ultimately provide new bleacher covers at the fields.  I am all for keeping the freckles off my face!

Session Share: May 2012 | Marietta, Georgia Studio

Look how big this little guy has grown!  You can see a sample of his newborn session here.  We met again at The Studio for a milestone session now that he is sitting up.  He is actually pulling up and moving all about.  He will be like my first little boy and running before a year old, I think!

I’ll never get tired of this age.  They are so huggable, sweet and funny.  I love to see how curious they are about everything around them.  His parents are going to have a fun (and active) summer this year – one to remember for sure!


No plans for the weekend?  The Atlanta Baby & Child Expo will be happening at the Fox Theatre this weekend.  There will be lots of giveaways, samples and info for new and expecting parents.