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Tag Archives: little girl

First Lost Tooth Atlatna Child Photographer

“You will lose set number one, And when you do, it’s not much fun.  –Dr. Seuss

First Lost Tooth

Our Little Miss lost her first tooth last week.  It was a milestone for her…and me too.  The dentist told us in December the bottom ones were loose and would be coming out soon.  I was truly shocked. You would think I would know this was coming with my third child?  I just want her to stay little forever. I told our dentist that I wanted to cry but would save it for when the first top tooth came out.

Real life pictures here for you from me.  She had a wet head, Christmas nightgown and ready for bed – I grabbed my camera with the 100mm lens that I use for little bitty newborn pieces and parts to capture that tooth before the tooth fairy took it away.  Unfortunately, for the fun moments after taking the tooth picture I only had that lens but I made do and love them just the same.  Take pictures of your memorable family moments however you can, with whatever camera you have (and whatever bad light you have!).  The memory and emotion of it is what makes it so special.

You may not know this (my kids do) that the Tooth Fairy is only guaranteed to come the same night you lose a tooth if you lose that tooth before 3PM.  There are cut-offs and she has to plan.  That is just the way it is.  Luckily she came that night and left what my boys have always received, a Gold Dollar Coin.  The next morning my sweet little girl cried and cried when she found it.  I felt terrible (not sure what she was expecting).  She told her teachers at school that all she got was a penny.  She just lost her second tooth and believe me the Tooth Fairy was quick to leave a real dollar bill to avoid any more tears.

First Lost Tooth Atlatna Child Photographer

This was said during the laughs and tickles above:

Kate: You’re my favorite!

Dad: Thank you!

Kate: I was talking to Mommy!

Haha – I had to document that.  My children are all about fun-Daddy (with good reason) so it was particularly funny (to me).

I posted these pictures not just to share my incredibly sweet (and sometimes sassy) little girl but also because it reminded me how I am just like the other Moms that have panicked when those teeth are about to come out.  I have had many sessions with 5 year olds to catch them while they still have that cute little smile.  You just don’t ever want to forget it.  Honestly, a lot of times at 5 or 6 the smiles are a bit different even if the teeth haven’t fallen out yet.  Mouths are bigger and the teeth start spacing out.  I think year 4 is a great age to photograph a child.  They have come out of toddlerhood but haven’t quite become a big kid yet.  You can get an awesome portrait of them and they are still adorable.  A great age all around!  — Kate is 5 and a half in these pictures and her top teeth/smile look about the same.  As you can see the bottom permanent teeth are on their way and pushing the little ones out of the way. The baby teeth definitely needed to come out weeks ago. (sniff)

First Lost Tooth Atlatna Child Photographer

“But then you’ll grow set number two!

32 teeth, and all brand-new.
16 downstairs, and 16 more
upstairs on the upper floor.

And when you get your second set,

–Dr. Seuss

Our Family Pediatric Dentist and Orthodontist

2 and a half christmas

“Look at me! Look at me! Look at me NOW! It is fun to have fun, but you have to know how.”  — Dr. Seuss (The Cat in the Hat)

This sweet girl is just what you expect from a 2 1/2 year old.  She was a bundle of on the go, non-stop fun.  We explored, ran, jumped, threw leaves and laughed.  I think her candid moments are the best because they really capture a little piece of her fun personality.  Her family is so kind and patient with her and really enjoys all she has to offer.  It is really reflected in her pleasant, easy going nature.  All little girls should be this loved!

I have spared you a few days of super-cute puppy love so I leave you with one today.  Meet Sherman.  He isn’t too much of a puppy any more and he is just as cool as he thinks he is.  He was so nice to sit for my picture.  I think he almost smiled?

2 and a half christmas

Christmas Gift Idea for Little Girls:

Okay, this isn’t really an “idea” for you but more of a confession of what my little girl will be getting for Christmas against mine and the CVS cashier’s better judgement:

2 and a half christmas

Not just any Stompeez but the unicorn ones.  I hate unicorns!  I paid $21 at CVS oh and there is one more pair left for you!  These tacky things are going to be in my house now but I just had to do it.  You would understand if you had seen and heard the joy coming out of her as she told me all about them one day.  She had seen them with her Grammy “at the place where you drive up for subscriptions.”  She told me “they are a little big but I will grow into them!”  So, it is done and it will be worth it to see her when she opens them on Christmas.  When else in life will you ever be SO excited about light-up unicorn slippers?  I’m glad we can indulge her one day of the year.

Merry Christmas!

Christmas is for children. But it is for grownups too. Even if it is a headache, a chore, and nightmare, it is a period of necessary defrosting of chill and hide-bound hearts.  –Lenora Mattingly Weber


atlanta family dog photographer

Atlanta Family Dog

I’m so behind on session shares but here is a fun one that includes the family dog.  These sweet kids are so smart, full of personality and expression. It was fun to spend time getting to know them.  I love that they brought their lovely dog to be a part of the session.  Your dog is a part of the family and why not let them be captured in time just like your children?  I don’t think I can recall any picture of me as a child with my beloved Irish Setter, Kelly.  <sigh>

Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.       — Roger Caras

Atlanta Humane Society


Football Season officially started today for me. War Eagle!

Auburn fans often find me as their family photographer so I thought I would share an Auburn-inspired “what-to-wear”.


I’m probably biased but I love burnt orange and navy together.  I think the orange and browns look great in Fall too.

Here is a little blast from my past at one of the Atlanta Auburn Club events my family likes to attend.  Kate loves to shake her pom-poms every chance she gets!   (me too)

american baby atlanta american baby atlantaIt was a gray morning in Smyrna when we met to commemorate this little beauty’s first birthday with her own portrait session.  We still had a great time despite the weather  and I loved getting to know her Mom and Dad.  I found out we had a lot in common.  This Dad moved to America when he was 3 years old and my husband moved here when he was four years old.  They were both born in Manchester, England.  (So, as much as I call Andy a Yankee because he grew up in Chicago he says he is more of a Redcoat!).  I have to share the T-shirt all three of my children have been wearing through the years.  We need to find this little girl the same thing.  We didn’t have the shoes, though.  They are awesome!

Made in America with British Parts


Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl!  It was fun to capture you as a brand new one year old!


american baby atlanta

How did it go?  If you saw my previous post, you know I don’t make a huge effort to get a group shot of my own kids except on my birthday at the end of July.  If you have three kids of your own, you know how difficult it can be just to have them sit together without a squabble.  July is a sweaty month to be outside but I work quick so it doesn’t take long.  🙂  This is my annual gift to myself and it doesn’t hurt to tell my boys that this is for Mommy’s birthday and please don’t poke or kick each other.  We usually make an effort to go to a nice location but since my helper/wrangler/husband was stuck on an airplane and not home yet, we only made it outside to our yard.  Good enough for me!  So with a little help from Grammy and my Aunt this is what we got on our way out to dinner that night and I am happy.  I won’t tell you what tricks I used to get them to smile…I’m a big fan of the candid moments.  Those represent my kids the best and I might just hang something more candid on one of my walls to enjoy.


Back to School: Most are going back today.  Mine are officially back at it and I am really happy (except for early mornings and homework).  I can’t wait to see all the back to school pictures on Facebook this week.  I might not see some children for a year and then a flood of back to school images come through and I love it.  We had a half day on Friday and I took these pictures of my kids in front of the house…where I always take their back to school pictures.  I told them I would have to do that then and then on Monday morning in their real uniforms and again on Wednesday for Chapel uniforms and then when Kate officially starts back.  They weren’t thrilled.  Evan said he wasn’t really “into photography”.  It’s not his thing so he tells me.  It just happens to be “my thing” so I’m glad they indulge me!

Guess which one did NOT get new uniform shoes for school this year?  |  Belle made an appearance in our photos.  I don’t know why.


Photographer’s Tip:  Use a chalkboard or a piece of paper and let your kids hold up a sign that has “first day of 1st grade” or something along those lines.  I am going to use one of my Organic Bloom frames with a chalkboard insert to do that.  I have a few more shots to get!  My biggest tip of all: if you forget to do anything the first day do it anytime the first week.  When you look back in a few years you probably won’t even remember that part.  If your child rides the bus, please get one with the bus behind them.  (Just for me – I love that!)